产品名称: 微波烘干带 产品介绍: 采用优质高度进口玻璃纤维及凯芙拉(芳纶)为基材纺织成高强度的网状基布,再涂覆优良高质的特氟龙树脂,制成特氟龙(PTFE)网格输送带的基布 主要特点: 1. 耐温性-从低温-140℃到高温260℃范围内连续使用 2. 透气性-输送带的透气率,减少热源耗费,提高干燥率 3. 耐药品性-对大部分的化学药品和溶剂都不受影响 4. 耐抗粘性-对树脂,涂料,化学品等几乎所有粘着物都可以简易清除 product name: PTFE Teflon mesh belt introduction: The belt is made of high tensile fiberglass or Kevlar, knitted by special equipment and coated with ine PTFE. Features: 1) High temperature resistance: it can continuously work under -140 to 260°C 2) Permeability: it can avoid wasting heat and improve drying efficiency for its permeability 3) Chemical resistance: it can resist all most of chemical medicines 4) Adherence resistance: it can easily remove all kinds of adhesives such as resin, paint and chemical medicine |